A bit of a primer for the uninitiated, Google+ is Mountain View's attempt at a social network to rival the likes of Facebook. G+ started off quickly during an "invite only" beta of G+ that reached something like a ridiculous 40 Million people before going public. After becoming open to anyone, membership grew again, but reports starting coming out around the time G+ went open: G+ was starting to look like a wasteland. Googlers weren't using G+ and some were even famously writing about the apparent failure of G+ before it even had the chance to take off.
Enter Google+ Pages. G+ Pages is Google's way to give businesses and brands an official presence. Previously you had to be a person to join G+, but now your company can also have a presence. Now I'm aware that many companies that have a social presence have had Facebook pages for aeons but G+ has a secret weapon. That weapon is Hangouts, a group video chat functionality built right into G+. Hangouts essentially allow companies to interact directly with their followers. As an example, Google kicked off their G+ Pages with a Hangout featuring the Muppets.
What really says to me that G+ has a winning idea with the specialty G+ Pages is that just a day later, the big names are already on G+ Pages. I also heard one Mr. Anderson Cooper promoting AC360's G+ Page. This is a great indicator that Pages will be a hit with social media junkies. What's great is that YOU get to choose which brands or companies to follow. You'll never be spammed by companies you don't care about and you can just show support by throwing a +1 their way if you don't feel like following them. You can even directly search for a G+ page from google.com. Simply enter "+(insert company name here)" in the Google search bar (try typing that into your address bar).
This is only the beginning. What's really exciting are some of the things that Google has coming down the pipe. With API's for G+, a company could create an app that works on their G+ page for promotions, prizes, contests or other really fun things. I'm sure Google also has some secrets up their sleeves that they're not sharing. I can picture things like custom Page layouts featuring banners to promote a new product or something like tech support Huddles. Really, the possibilities are endless. The more functionality Google adds (without adding too much clutter), the more popular Google+ will become. It's just a matter of time really.
Until then always remember
It is the Geeks that will inherit the Earth
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